General Farm Insurance
— For businesses protecting assets
Farmers have unique insurance needs and Peel Mutual Insurance Company has specialized in meeting those needs for nearly 140 years. With our Farmowners Package, you can be sure your home and your farm buildings, equipment and livestock are covered. Each of our farm policies are customizable to ensure you’re getting the coverage you need.
Peel Mutual also offers a variety of discounts on its farm insurance policies.
FarmInsure is the “all risk” (except for livestock) policy for Ontario farms. It provides coverage for property of every description (single limit):
- Dairy
- Beef
- Horses
- Vegetable (including processing)
- Fruit (including pick-your-own)
- Cash Crops
- Mixed Farming
Loss of Farm Income Insurance
— For businesses protecting assets
It pays bills that keep coming in while your farming operation is being restored. It even provides a profit margin so you and your family can continue with an uninterrupted lifestyle.
All you need to do is ask your agent or broker to review the coverage with you. They will advise and assist you in developing a level of coverage specific to your needs.
Your local agent/broker knows your community and knows insurance. They can help you set up the insurance program you need.
Estate / Hobby Farm Insurance
— For businesses managing risk
Peel Mutual Insurance Company has specialized in insuring rural properties since 1876. We understand the insurance needs of our policyholders, including owners of “Country Estate” residences who have particular requirements in insurance. These properties, unlike households without an agricultural exposure, require insurance on outbuildings, equipment and livestock. They also need specialized liability insurance to provide adequate protection.
Our Pegasus Policy is designed to insure your “Country Estate,” providing special coverage for your unique property.