We are committed to protecting your privacy.
Peel Mutual Insurance Company is subject to Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
The full privacy policy is available as a PDF (43kb) below.
Following is an outline of our privacy policy.
At Peel Mutual Insurance Company, our mission is to provide you, the policyholder, with quality insurance products and services driven by our commitment to excellence. In order to do that, we must collect certain personal information from you. Rest assured the personal information you’ve provided to us will only be used for the business of insurance – that is, rating and issuing your policy and settling claims. We will NOT sell or rent your information to anyone, anywhere.
Your information is also secure with us. Your information is protected, both physically and electronically. Only authorized persons have access to our files and computers.
There are certain conditions under which we must share this information with outside parties. Each company and organization we share our data with is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. They too are prohibited from selling or renting your information. They may not contact you for any marketing reasons either. The full details of when we disclose information and who it is disclosed to is available in our full privacy policy below (PDF, 43kb).
From time to time, we may use the contact information provided by you to send you information on insurance products and loss prevention tips. If you do not wish to receive mailings from us, let us know by calling 1-800-268-3069.
If you have any questions regarding your personal information and its privacy, please feel free to email privacy@peelmutual.com or telephone 1-800-268-3069.
Matt LeMaire
Privacy Officer
Peel Mutual Insurance Company